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Terms Of Use


By contacting us, I agree to the terms of service:

Use of personal information & Conduct:

We will use any personal information you give to us in accordance with these terms and conditions, and with any additional statements appearing on forms used for submitting your personal information. We shall not disclose your personal information to any third parties without obtaining your prior consent unless we are required by law to do so. In particular:


  • If you submit an inquiry,  we shall use your personal information to administer and respond to your inquiry. Your inquiry will be responded to by the appropriate team. We shall securely store the information you supply and the response we provide. We may produce reports on the use of the contact form service to enable us to monitor and develop it. These reports will be based on anonymous data, which means that individuals will not be identified in the reports.


  • If you request to receive a newsletter, we shall use your personal information to send it to you by email. If at any time you wish to stop receiving it, simply cancel your subscription at the bottom of the mail. Your details will be removed from our database immediately.


  • If you contact us,  regarding the website or our projects we shall use your details to reply to you. We try to respond to all feedback where a valid email address is included. If you make a comment or complaint about other aspects of EXCE services, we may use your details to investigate your submit. Do not send any harassment messages to us or any other inappropriate content. We may take actions if this happens.


Thanks for your understanding and for contacting us!


© 2024 EXCE - Excessive Creative Entertainment. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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